FAQs for Prospective Applicants
What is the difference between the credentials DHt, DHANP, and DABHM?
DHt, (Diplomate, Homeotherapeutics) was the credential granted to Board-certified MD’s and DO’s from 1959 until 2021 when it was replaced by the DABHM credential (Diplomate, American Board of Homeopathic Medicine).
DHANP (Diplomate, Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians) was the credential granted to Board-certified naturopathic physicians from 1988 until Sept 1, 2022, when the naturopathic certification process merged with the American Board of Homeopathic Medicine .
It is acceptable for Diplomates to continue to use the DHt or DHANP credential if they prefer. But these credentials should not be combined with the DABHM credential because others may perceive it as being certified by two Boards. The current credential DABHM will be used on the ABHM list of Diplomates.
Can licensed nurses, acupuncturists and chiropractors be certified by the American Board of Homeopathic Medicine?
At this time, certification is open only to licensed medical, osteopathic and naturopathic physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. The rationale for this decision is that certification is open only to those professions that include the right to prescribe medicines.
Are practitioners trained in homeopathic medicine from other countries eligible for certification by the American Board of Homeopathic medicine?
Licensed Canadian naturopathic physicians are eligible for certification by the American Board of Homeopathic Medicine. But certification by ABHM does not give Canadians the right to practice in the United States unless they also have a license to practice in the US.
Eligible practitioners from other countries must be licensed in the United States if they want to be certified by the American Board of Homeopathic Medicine. Licensure is different from certification. To learn about the requirements for licensure, search online for the Board of Medical Examiners/Licensure in the state where you want to practice. We cannot provide assistance with licensure requirements – you must contact the licensing board for this information.