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The American Board of Homeopathic Medicine
Who We Are
The American Board of Homeopathic Medicine (ABHM) is the oldest certifying board for the homeopathic profession. It was established in 1959 and incorporated in New York in 1960 as the American Board of Homeotherapeutics for the certification of licensed medical doctors who specialized in the practice of homeopathic medicine. Since that time, eligibility for certification by ABHM has been extended to other licensed homeopathic professionals in recognition of their education, their expertise in the practice of homeopathic medicine and their contributions to the homeopathic community.
Licensed homeopathic professionals eligible for certification by ABHM
Medical Doctors • Osteopathic Doctors • Naturopathic Doctors
Dentists • Nurse Practitioners • Physician Assistants
Why Certification Matters
Certification is important for the establishment of a uniform standard of competency for the licensed profession as a whole. An acknowledged standard for competence and excellence in homeopathy of licensed medical practitioners will give assurance to the general public looking for a homeopathic practitioner. In addition certification will help the profession by both setting educational goals for instructional programs and demonstrating to regulatory agencies that we take excellence in homeopathy seriously. We encourage all of our licensed homeopathic colleagues to aspire to become a Diplomate of the American Board of Homeopathic Medicine.

For the Applicant
A quite reasonable question many licensed homeopathic professionals must ask themselves is, ‘Why should I bother? Just what can certification do for me to justify the time, effort and expense required?’ The reply occurs quite readily:increased confidence in one’s own knowledge and skill, professional recognition and respect…
For Our Colleagues
In this uncertain world, practicing licensed homeopaths often find themselves asked to recommend a colleague practicing in another geographic location. As our professional community grows it becomes increasingly difficult to identify those especially skilled homeopathic practitioners…
For the Homeopathic Profession
Importantly, certification provides a uniform standard of competency for the licensed homeopathic profession as a whole. Such a standard also provides a goal to which novice homeopaths can aspire, the pursuit of which can only advance their individual professional competency.
For Patients and the Public
Given the foregoing, the benefits to patients and the public seem quite apparent. Greater professional competency, possibly gained through the examination process itself, yields better patient outcomes. Patients enter treatment with greater trust and confidence, a mindset favoring therapeutic success.
Licensure and Certification: What’s the Difference?
Licensure is necessary* for the practice of medicine and is regulated by state licensing boards. Requirements for licensure may vary by state. Licensing also specifies the scope of practice for each type of license. All applicants for certification by the American Board of Homeopathic Medicine must be licensed. Board certification is not required for medical licensure.
Licensure for medical and osteopathic physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants is available in all 50 states. Licensure for naturopathic physicians is available in 23 states plus the jurisdictions of the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The American Board of Homeopathic Medicine fully supports licensure in all 50 states for naturopathic physicians who graduated from accredited 4-year naturopathic schools and who fulfill all licensing requirements.
*Health freedom legislation permits non-licensed practitioners to treat clients under specific conditions. This legislation varies by state. See nationalhealthfreedom.org for information about health freedom legislation in some states.
Certification is generally regulated at the national level. The purpose of certification is to give public recognition for a level of mastery in a specialized field of medicine. Unlike licensure, certification is not mandatory.
While licensed professionals who are not board-certified have the right to practice homeopathic medicine, their mastery of homeopathic medicine has not been evaluated by their peers. We encourage all licensed homeopathic professionals to seek board certification.
Related Information
The DABHM Credential
The DABHM credential denotes excellence in homeopathy as a licensed medical homeopath. No other credential in this country, whatever its implication with regard to a level of homeopathic competence, carries the same significance—competence in homeopathy in the context of a licensed medical practice. Inevitably, the more licensed medical homeopaths pursue and achieve accreditation, the greater the esteem Homeopathy and licensed homeopathic practitioners will enjoy from the public and medical professionals alike.
Consequently, ABHM is a critically important organization, one we encourage all licensed homeopathic medical practitioners aspire to join.
For information about the certification requirements, contact
Irene Sebastian, MD, PhD, DABHM
President, American Board of Homeopathic Medicine